News & Application Spotlights - Markt & Technik
Puchheim bei München
Wie ernst ist die Liefersituation bei Relais?Mit großen Anstrengungen reagiert die Relais-Branche auf die hohe Nachfrage am Markt. Auswirkungen in punkto Verfügbarkeit wird es d...
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AZ Displays announces high resolution, high temperature rated 10.25'' IPS LCD with PCAP touch
Puchheim bei München
AZ Displays – Product Spotlight - April 2021. AZ Displays GmbH continues to expand its product offering for the industrial and medical market. The newest IPS module, ATM1025L1-CT, ...
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ZETTLER Magnetics ACST Stromsensoren für den Einsatz in Produkten der Ladeinfrastruktur von Elektrofahrzeugen
Puchheim bei München
ZETTLER Magnetics - Anwendung im Fokus Januar 2021. Für das Detektieren von Betriebszuständen in Ladegeräten (IC-CPD oder Wallbox) von Elektrofahrzeugen werden oft sehr präzise und...
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ZETTLER Displays – AZ Displays supports Thermostat Display Industry with wide array of custom solutions
Puchheim bei München
AZ Displays – Application Spotlight - December 2020. AZ Displays GmbH continues to expand its share in LCD display modules catering to the ever -growing market of residential and ...
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ZETTLER AZEV132 relay series for e-mobility charging applications according IEC62752 Mode 2
Puchheim bei München
ZETTLER Relays – Application Spotlight, November 2020.Due to the growing market for electric vehicles, the need for charging infrastructure products has increased rapidly. In the i...
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ZETTLER Magnetics expands range of Ultrawide input Power Modules
Puchheim bei München
ZETTLER Magnetics - Application Spotlight September 2020. Driven by burgeoning indoor and outdoor applications in IIOT (Industrial Internet of Things), and following an earlier spo...
Lesen Sie mehr - Solutions for a Smarter World
Puchheim bei München
»Erneuerbare Energien beflügeln das Geschäft«Antje Jakesch, Geschäftsführerin von Zettler electronics, blickt positiv in die nahe Zukunft. Ihr Unternehmen konnte von Anfang Janu...
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ZETTLER Displays – Value-added Optical Bonding Service for TFT modules
Puchheim bei München
AZ Displays – Application Spotlight - August 2020. A leading home appliance customer recently approached ZETTLER Displays to help enhance the product appearance of a display devic...
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ZETTLER Relays for e-mobility wall box charger applications
Puchheim bei München
ZETTLER Relays – Application Spotlight, April 2020.The demand for switching higher currents in electric vehicle (EV) charging applications is increasing rapidly. ZETTLER relays, sp...
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ZETTLER Magnetics develops UVC LED Drivers for UVC Sanitizing Solutions
Puchheim bei München
ZETTLER Magnetics - Product Spotlight July 2020. Driven by the global COVID-19 pandemic, demand for home and industrial appliances with sanitizing functions, such as air purifiers...
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